The MWA 2017 Khadija Fund Details
The Khadija Fund is Muslim Women’s Alliance’s latest effort to empower women striving to become financially independent. MWA is committed to being a resource for financially-challenged Muslim women by filling in gaps where community and civic allocation is lacking. What is the next step for a woman who has left an abusive situation or a newly arrived refugee woman?
The main goal of the Khadija Fund is to remove hurdles, such as lack of training or equipment, for women in entering the workforce. Micro-grants from the Khadija Fund can be used, for example, to secure equipment needed to start up a business, certifications, coaching or other items and advanced education that will ensure the recipient’s ability to secure employment or launch a business to earn an income and gain financial independence.
The Khadija Fund is designed to get the necessary tools into the hands of women looking start earning and stand on their own two feet. Help us to spread the word about this opportunity and remember by supporting MWA, your generous donation will assist and aid the women who need it the most in your local community.
The amount awarded will differ based on demonstrated need and ability and will range from $250 to $2000
Applicants must fall into one of these categories:
1. Female, in possession of skill or talent that has been previously used to earn an income, currently in need of equipment or certification to re-enter the workforce.
2. Female, currently unemployed and in need of assistance in forms of resume building, technical skill acquisition, computer, and technology training with hopes of securing employment.
Click here for application –
2017 MWA Khadija Fund